JB Industries complies with all rules, regulations and standards applicable to infrastructural facilities
factory operations and trade practices and takes all care to create an eco – friendly environment. Government agencies are always permitted to inspect the facilities for compliance with environmental laws and regulations. Their inspection reports, operating certificates, notices of deficiencies, corrective action reports and correspondences regarding inspections are kept at the site for perusal of future inspection teams.
Not satisfied with mere compliance with the environmental regulations in place, the company has taken initiatives of its own.
- to implement green and lean methods of production
-to reduce impact on environment to the minimum
-to conserve scarce natural resources
-to save energy as far as possible
-to manage wastes and recycle them, especially water
-to reduce pollution both atmospheric and environmental to the minimum.
Our sustainability strategy, based on planet, people and prosperity, continues to lead our sustainable business growth. Some of the steps already implemented are
-Using natural gas for our power generation, which is the lowest emission fossil fuel
-We have Installed energy efficient gas engines due to which the Natural Gas Consumption and GHG Emission has reduced by 40%
-Using Bio-Mass boilers to generate steam
We Care About Nature
- We are harnessing free steam from Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) Boilers. The Bi-Generation system, produced around 20% of the total steam generation in FY2021, with a significant reduction in GHG emissions
-Paper usage was reduced considerably
-Mezzanine floors were constructed to reduce further land usage
-Solid wastes, such as paper and food wastes, were managed in an eco-friendly manner
-Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) – treating 100% of our wastewater. Actively pursuing the roadmap to ZDHC along with some of our key partner customers
- JB Industries has Membrane bioreactor’ (MBR) Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) working round the clock, treating effluent to acceptable range of reduced pollutants, as per applicable local laws and ZDHC foundational limits. The effluent treatment plant has the capacity of treating 47m3/hour. Our dedicated QC laboratory at ETP closely monitors the parameters and ensures that effluent discharge in industrial drains stays within safe limits. The treated water quantity discharged is measured through flow meters installed at effluent treatment plant
-R/O Plant – reverse osmosis plant to recycle our wastewater. Targeting to recycle 60% of our wastewater by 2024.
-Using low energy LED lights in all our factories and offices to reduce our carbon footprint
-All conventional florescent lights and blubs have been replaced with energy efficient LED lights, resulting in reduced electricity consumption and carbon footprint by 70%.
-to reduce pollution both atmospheric and environmental to the minimum.